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Harriet Loneragan



Artist’s Statement

The emotional impact of colour has always enthralled me.  Structure and shape in my paintings follow colour, and I draw on all this to interpret the way I see the world..  My work is based on remembered landscapes and my felt responses to the land, sea and sky. I take into account the fragility and intimacy of the landscapes and their relationship to our emotions and memories. The compositions which result often exist independently of any factual visual references to the world.

I do not wish to mirror nature, but rather to paint what it leaves with me.  Crossing between the tangible and the experienced, the physicality of the materials (canvas and paint), and the metaphysical realm of memory, the paintings develop an interchange between internal and external landscapes - deliberately avoiding pre-existing ideas of what a ‘landscape’ is. It is intuitive and an immediate reflection of my truth.

Lyricism and music are significant in my art practice – I endeavour to express the energy and vibrancy in nature by creating a unified arrangement of rhythms, silences, dissonances and harmonies that evoke the memories I’m left with, unbound by consciousness.